Interleaving may refer to: Interleaving, a technique for making forward error correction more robust with respect to burst errors; An optical interleaver, a fiber optic. a method for making data retrieval more efficient by rearranging or renumbering the sectors on a hard disk or by splitting a computer. Interleaving is a process or methodology to make a system more efficient, fast and reliable by arranging data in a noncontiguous manner. There are many uses for interleaving at the system level, including: ... Error Correction: Errors in data communication and memory can be corrected through interleaving.Interleaving is a process where students mix, or interleave, multiple subjects or topics while they study in order to improve their learning. Blocked practice, on the other hand, involves studying one topic very thoroughly before moving to another topic.The interleaving effect is long-term—lasting on the order of months—and the advantage over blocking actually increases with the passage of time (in other words, there's less forgetting). The benefit even persists when blocked materials receive additional review.